

コロナ禍での中小企業のDX への取り組み

○田口 由美子1)松島 桂樹2)高島 利尚3)岡田 浩一4)大串 葉子5)下村 敏和6)曽我部 泰博6)小笠原 知広6)藤原 正樹7)

1) 近畿大学
2) クラウドサービス推進機構
3) TMI
4) 明治大学
5) 椙⼭⼥学園⼤学
6) 特定非営利活動法人ITコーディネータ京都
7) 京都情報大学院大学


Business activities under COVID-19 pandemic is required in a non-face-to face, non-contact manner. According to the latest white paper on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), priority to digitalization for SMEs is increasing. In addition, it is reported that mind seeking new approach and change is occurring in enterprises in the Kansai district. In this report, presenters will show from the overall picture of IT coordinator Kyoto's approach to the Kyoto City IT utilization support project for SMEs, and report on the advanced cases. The participants of this study group exchange views on finding about reports with presenters. As a result of this report, what IT utilization should be for SMEs and suggestions of digital transformation for them will be gained.
SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises),Digital Transformation,Kyoto City IT utilization support project for small and medium-sized enterprises