


○玄 幼栄1)細谷 竜一2)神岡 太郎1)

1) 一橋大学経営管理研究科
2) 一橋大学商学研究科


Organizational leaders want their businesses to run on data-driven decisions by deploying big data analytics (BDA); however, many firms are facing obstacles to widespread BDA because of data silos, the rigid separation of data across divisions. To overcome data silos and capture the full potential of big data, it is necessary to create a corporate culture that encourages communication and sharing of data across departments. To our knowledge, BDA literature has not investigated a suitable corporate culture in big data context. Hence, this study attempts to empirically identify the impact of an appropriate corporate culture on BDA deployment by introducing BDA orientation which potentially facilitates data flow across divisions and values business decisions based on insights gained from BDA.
ビックデータ,ビッグデータアナリティクス オリエンテーション,BDA導入

Big data,Big Data Analytics Orientation,BDA Deployment