
○遊橋 裕泰1)

1) 静岡大学 大学院総合科学技術研究科

Abstract 東日本大震災に伴って発生した福島第一原子力発電所事故により、周辺自治体では住民の広域避難がおこなわれ、今なお広い範囲が避難区域に指定されている(2016年現在)。長引く避難生活で、地域社会は共同体としての存続の危機に直面している。
By the nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima that was caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, wide-area evacuation of residents has been carried out in the surrounding municipalities. In 2016, the communities are facing a crisis of survival, because a wide range has been specified in the evacuation zone.
Municipalities have provided the public relations services using a tablet PC. About an online community in the service, this research had a text mining by a dictionary-based approach and a correlational approach. Then, it has investigated the resident consciousness and suggests a method of supporting community.
Keywords 広域避難,コミュニティ支援,計量テキスト分析
Wide-area Evacuation,Community Support,Text Mining