
○庄司 一也1)

1) 徳山大学

Abstract アクティブ・ラーニング(AL)に関しては、文科省・用語集が示すように、「中略・・・学修者の能動的な学修への参加を取り入れた教授・学習法の総称。学修者が能動的に学修することによって、認知的、倫理的、社会的能力、 教養、知識、経験を含めた汎用的能力の育成を図る」とされており、目的が重要視される。
As the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology describes it, Active Learning (AL) "...is a general term for teaching and learning methods that incorporate the student's active participation. A general set of abilities are cultivated through the student's active learning, including cognitive skills, ethics, social skills, education, knowledge, and experience". Emphasis it put on reaching this goal.
AL is seen in recent years in all universities. But while it satisfies the conditions for its method (to differ from the one-sided lecturing system), there are still large issues concerning its goals.
This presentation focuses on AL's goals and highlights the ICT system (LMS, forum function), which largely contributes to the cultivation of general skills, providing examples of it in practice along with analysis.
Keywords アクティブ・ラーニング,フォーラム,汎用的能力
Active Learning,Forum,General Skills