
○山口 淳1)

1) 東京工科大学

Abstract 日本において,サービス産業が経済に占める比重は大きく,増加していく傾向にある.しかし一方で,サービス産業の生産性は高くなく,この分野の高付加価値化が重要とされている.
Service industry has a significant weight in Japanese economy and trends upwards. On the other hand, the productivity of service industry is not high enough and required for high value-added.
Methods of Industrial Engineering(IE) have been developed together with the development of manufacturing and contributed to improving productivity of the manufacturing companies. This paper aims at making comparison and examination of those IE methods for applying to service operations. More concretely, this study compared and examined IE methods through trying to apply IE methods to the pet trimming operation in a pet salon. Then, it discussed the application possibility of those methods to service operations, which is having the characteristics of intangibility, simultaneity, heterogeneity and perishability.
Keywords IE手法,サービス業への適用可能性,ペットのトリミング作業
IE methods,application possibility to service operations,pet trimming operation