
○北中 英明1)

1) 拓殖大学

Abstract 近年、検索エンジン、SNSサービス、キュレーションサイト等の新しい手段が出現してきた結果、消費者の情報検索行動に変化が生じてきている。こうした変化を受けて、口コミによる消費者への情報伝播の役割の大きさが注目されてきた。


The emergence of new information retrieval tools, such as search engines, SNS services, and curation sites, has caused changes in consumers' information retrieval activities on the Internet. Such changes have drawn attentions to the important role of Word-of-Mouth communication in a process of information propagation to consumers.

On the other hand, it is pointed out that tradition mass media are still playing a significant role in the process because of their wide reach to consumers.

In this study, using data collected by a web survey, we will examine the relationship between mass media oriented information and consumers' information retrieval activities on the Internet in the process of information propagation to consumers.
Keywords 情報伝播,マスメディア起点情報,検索エンジン
Information propagation,Mass media oriented information,Search engine