
○森下 桂嗣1)増田 靖1)

1) 光産業創成大学院大学

Abstract 既存市場に新規参入する場合には、コストや製品パフォーマンスなどにおける競合との差別化を図る競争戦略が必要となる。それらの差別化を実現する構成要素を相互作用させて一貫性のある戦略を立案してくために、ストーリーが有効であると言われている。
In case of new entry into an existing market, we need a competition strategy achieves differentiation with competitors in the cost and the product performance. It is said that story is effective in order to draft a consistent strategy interacting with components that achieve differentiation.
In this paper, we report a case of making a strategy story for new entry into the medical equipment industry based on information from market research by using Emergent Storytelling. Emergent Storytelling is a method making a story be completed by repeating inspection and correction of hypothesis stories. We apply this method to make strategy story.
Keywords 戦略ストーリー,創発的ストーリーテリング,医療機器産業への新規参入
Strategy story,Emergent Storytelling,New entry into medical equipment industry