
○四本 雅人1)高木 俊雄2)高橋 正泰3)中西 晶3)

1) 関東学院大学
2) 沖縄大学
3) 明治大学

Abstract 近年,大きな社会問題になっているのが「ブラック企業」問題である。ブラック企業と呼ばれる企業では,正社員に異常な長時間労働と残業代の未払いを受け入れさせ,他方で,社員を自発的な退職へと追い込むような戦略的なパワーハラスメントが行われている。

We point out the dark side of Japanese corporate systems, by means of the concept of 'Evil Corporation'. It is described in Japanese media as a company that exhibits coercive power relationship with employees by exploiting their feelings of loyalty. Employees are physically and psychologically (e.g., long overtime-work without pay) suffering from internal selection process.

An example of Evil Corporation is illustrated showing that the rhetoric of ‘family' is used as a means to exploit its employees. By means of Evil Corporation,we problematize Japanese ways of governance drawing on a logic of ‘IE'.
Keywords ブラック企業,家の論理,レトリック
Evil Corporation,The Logic of 'IE',Rhetoric