
○遊橋 裕泰1)坪田 謙一2)中舘 牧子2)音 真佑子2)

1) 静岡大学
2) NTTドコモ

Abstract 東日本大震災の被災地は復興の道半ばにある。だが、NHK東日本大震災「被災者700人の声」アンケート調査によれば、住民の54.4%が被災地への支援の弱まりを感じている。一方、復興を支援する企業にとっても社会的責任の名の下、どのような支援をおこなうべきか、その経営判断に迷う時期へ差し掛かっている。
As of 2015, in the Tohoku region Pacific Ocean side which has received extensive damage in the Great East Japan Earthquake, it is in the middle stage of reconstruction. While disaster reconstruction is prolonged, how can a company effectively fulfill its social responsibility?
In this case study of NTT DOCOMO, to assist decision making about reconstruction support, it conducted the survey research for Tohoku Pacific Ocean side of the residents. It was to elucidate the causal relationship of social evaluation by multivariate analysis. Then, it considered some control drivers to improve the social evaluation. In addition, based on the results it proposes some ways of reconstruction support that utilized ICT.
Keywords 災害復興,企業の社会的責任,多変量解析
Disaster Reconstruction,Corporate Social Responsibility,Multivariate Analysis