
○藤原 正樹1)

1) 宮城大学

Abstract  東日本大震災被災地中小企業の復興に向けた最大の経営課題は、販路の開拓である。しかし,商品開発力やマーケティング力が乏しい被災地の中小企業が単独で新規市場開拓に取り組むことは限界があり、消費者の動向に精通した消費地の企業との連携が不可欠となる。我々はこれまでの研究を通じて、被災地と消費地の企業が連携して販路開拓に取り組む東日本大震災復興支援BtoBtoC型取引所と東北復興産品認証マーク制度を提案してきた。
The business challenges of SMEs in the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake is developing new product sales channels. However, the product development and marketing capabilities of SMEs in the disaster affected areas are limit. Collaborations with SMEs in the disaster affected areas and businesses that are in the consumption areas and familiar with consumer trends are essential. Through our research, we have proposed the Great East Japan Earthquake reconstruction assistance exchange and the Tohoku reconstruction product certification mark system.
This paper indicates the challenges in actualizing the business model we are proposing through the questionnaire given to consumers across the country and interviews with local businesses.
Keywords 東日本大震災,eビジネス,中小企業
East Japan Great Earthquake,e-Business,Small and Medium Enterprises