
八坂 和吏1)増田 士朗1)歌代 豊2)○中西 晶2)

1) 首都大学東京
2) 明治大学

Abstract 高信頼組織(high reliability organization;HRO)とは、常に過酷な条件下で活動しながらも、事故発生件数を標準以下に抑えている組織のことを指す。
This study is aimed for the empirical research on high reliability organization (HRO).
HRO is an organization that has succeeded in avoiding catastrophes in an environment where normal accidents can be expected due to risk factors and complexity.
The purpose of this paper is to report a result of the survey about the high reliability organization for the nursing service.
Keywords 高信頼性組織,看護業務,経営戦略
high reliability organizati,Nursing service,Management strategy
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