
○森田 勝弘1)

1) 内閣官房

Abstract 我が国では,2001年初頭よりe-Japan戦略が開始され,IT戦略室による最初の優先プログラムが公表されてから13年が経過した.その間,数次の改定・強化が図られたにも拘わらず,その進展ははかばかしくない.とりわけ,電子政府政策については,国民が期待する見える形での行政サービスの改善が達成できていない.本稿では,方法論としての観点から,電子政府政策を成功裏に導くうえで不可欠な,ビジネスモデル改革,5層EA,及び共用オブジェクトライブラリの3つの考慮事項を指摘したい
Japan has launched the e-Japan Strategy in early 2001, and has past almost for 13 years since the first priority program was announced by the IT Strategy Headquarters of Cabinet Secretariat. However, the progress is not outstanding, although the program has been frequently enhanced and revised to accelerate and boost the Strategy. Among others the e-Government policy is failed in the obvious enhancements of governmental services the people have anticipated. In this paper, from the methodological view point, I would mention the three indispensable considerations, evolution of business model, 5-layer Enterprise Architecture and shared object library, in order to lead the e-Government policy to successful goal.
Keywords 電子政府,ITガバナンス,エンタープライズ・アーキテクチャ
e-Gov,IT governance,EA
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