
○田口 由美子1)大串 葉子2)

1) 湘北短期大学
2) 新潟大学

Abstract 平成24年就業構造基本調査によれば働く介護者のうち6割が40~50代である。今後,団塊世代の高齢化により介護者の増加が見込まれる。介護の終了時期は予測できないため,介護者は疲弊し,離職の可能性が高い。

The number of workers in their 40s and 50s burdened by caretaking chores in their families is expected to increase due to the aging of the baby boomer generation. They are likely to find their regular jobs exhausting, because the ending time of the caretaking is unpredictable.

Many workers with strong experience and skills are likely to quit their jobs. The sudden departure of a worker may make it difficult for a company to continue its business. A company should understand the nursing care burdens on its employees, prepare a practical system to retain its employees, and develop human resources. This study considers a database for visualizing nursing-care burdens and working conditions for employees.
Keywords 介護,データベース,人材育成
Nursing care,database,development of human resources
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