
○大谷 智洋1)川岸 賢弘1)生田目 崇2)

1) (株)NTTデータ
2) 中央大学

Abstract 日本市場の動向として今年度から消費税が8%になり,来年度には10%にまで増税されることが予定されている.
In Japan the consumption tax is raised up to 8%, and will be raised up to 10% in the next year again.
So, many consumer tend to save buying.
In contrast, many stores work retention strategy for good customers like FSP.
However, these good customers are not all customers, so it needs the other strategies for many of "ordinal" customers.
In this study, we propose a analyzing method to grasp the buying behavior, especially we treat proceeded foods that are thought as the most saving goods for many consumers.
Keywords マーケティング,ブランドスイッチ,価格
marketing,brand switch,price
Copyright 2014 @ The Japan Society for Management Infomation.