
○淀川 高喜1)平野 雅章2)

1) 野村総合研究所
2) 早稲田大学

Abstract 企業が行う変革には、事業戦略の見直しによる戦略駆動型の変革や、ITの活用技術の革新によるIT駆動型の変革がある。変革を駆動する理由によって、変革を実現可能にする要素(イネーブラー)は異なるのではないか。
There are two types of business change such as Strategy-driven change and IT-driven change. The Enablers of business change should be different according to the reason of business change. In this research, the reasons are classified by two factors. One is the renewal of business strategy, and the other is IT roles for each company which was defined by MacFarlan(2005). The Enablers for business change are defined as the extension of the enablers for creating business value by IT in COBIT5.
This research shows that the companies which have the reason for Strategy-driven change and/or IT-driven change are preparing Enablers, performing business changes, and creating results of changes more than other companies.
Keywords 変革,イネ―ブラー,IT
Business Change,Enabler,IT
Copyright 2014 @ The Japan Society for Management Infomation.