
○塚原 智子1)渡邉 慶和1)

1) 組織情報システム学講座

Abstract 岩手県滝沢市には、それぞれの地域に特色のある郷土料理の食文化が継承されている。しかしながら、現状として自らが住む地域の郷土料理を思い浮かべられない住民も少なくない。本研究の目的は、専門的な知識を持つ人を活用して滝沢市の食文化の継承と産物・特産品の普及啓発、情報提供の仕組みを支援することである。
In Takizawa City, Iwate Prefecture, the food culture of the local cooking is succeeded to in this area. However, there are a lot of inhabitants that the local cooking which oneself lives in as the present conditions is not remembered. It is that the purpose of this study utilizes a person with specialized knowledge and supports the succession of the food culture of Takizawa City and a product, the spread enlightenment of the special product, structure of the reporting.
We present a framework by which through site "CHUG MANMA!" of the Takizawa city, any residents can accept and sent information about local specialties. And we use the qualitative methodology based on the interview and observation.
Keywords コミュニケーション,質的研究法,ナレッジマネジメント
Communication,Qualitative research,Knowledge Management
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