
霍 艶麗1)、徐 春暉1)

1) 千葉工業大学

Abstract ある期間における市場リスクを測るために、近年我々がPVaRという指標を提案している。本稿はPVaRを用いて、ポートフォリオ選択問題を最適化モデルで定式化し、そのモデルの解析方法を提案することを目的とする。

We have been advocating the use of period value at risk(PVaR)for measuring market over a period of future time. This paper aims at formulating portfolio selection problems with PVaR as the indicator of market risk, and proposing a resolution method for it.

The PVaR minimization model we built for portfolio selection problems is a complicated nonlinear programming, we suggest to solve it by changing it to a mixed programming model, and illustrate this method with a numerical example.
Keywords ポートフォリオ選択,市場リスク,PVaR
Portfolio Selection,Market Risk,Period Value at Risk
Copyright 2013 @ The Japan Society for Management Infomation.