
平野 雅章1)

1) 早稲田大学

Abstract IT投資が組織能力を向上させるという通念に反して、筆者による前回の報告では、定性的な質問票による評価において、IT活用の専門家(研究者、コンサルタント、CIO経験者)は、
Against the received belief that IT investment enhances organisatoinal capability, the previous study by the author demonstrated that in fact the IS experts (researchers, consultants and ex-CIOs) collectively evaluated the impact of IT investment to be very limited, through a questionnaire-based qualitative study.  The current article bases the organisational IQ measurements as a yardstick of organisational capability, and investigates the relationship between the IT investment and organisational IQ quantitatively, drawing on METI data.
Keywords IT投資,組織IQ,インパクト
IT investment,organisational IQ,impact
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