
桐野 裕之1)

1) 京都大学経済学研究科聴講生

Abstract 企業研究の手法は無数に存在するが、本研究では新しい切り口として「会議」を測定ツールとして用いている。企業は日夜会議を繰り返しており、その進行方法や意思決定の仕組みは様々である。一方企業の特質や業務構造も、輪を重視するコミュニティー組織、トップダウン組織、システマティック型業務構造、自由裁量型業務構造など多種多様である。
Despite the fact that there are thousands of methods by which analyzing the corporate, this study introduces the new aspect of analysis utilizing the “Business conference". There are many of way of conference procedure as well as decision making process in business conference being held on a daily basis intermittently. Meanwhile, feature and occupational structure in corporate may varies such as community organization which focuses on team work, top-down organization, systematic and discretionary occupational structure. Business conference epitomizes the aspects of corporate feature, which means that the structure of business conference is closely similar to corporate structure.
In this study, main object is to clarify the correlation among “corporate feature", “occupational structure", “contents of business conference" by analyzing the data.
Keywords 企業特質,業務構造,企業の会議
corporate feature,occupational structure,contents of business conference
Copyright 2013 @ The Japan Society for Management Infomation.