
宗平 順己1)

1) 株式会社オージス総研

Abstract 資金力の乏しい中小企業にとって、イニシャルコストが不要なクラウドは、IT化推進役となると想定されているが、実際には思うように普及が進んでいない。(IPA 2011)
This study stem from a hypothesis that a fundamental reason why SMEs don't use cloud services is the lack of attractive or beneficial services. We found each SaaS provider don't have enough ability to provide adequate services by questionnaires. Then we created ‘Kansai Cloud Plan' to solve this situation, and we verified the validity of this plan and the solution for technical issues by holding a vendors' session twice. Through these discussions we also could create a methodology for a cloud mash-up.
Keywords クラウドインテグレーション,中小企業,地域振興
Cloud integration,SMEs,Regional revival plan
Copyright 2013 @ The Japan Society for Management Infomation.