
小林 憲正1)

1) 東京工業大学

Abstract 今日、経済の新たな付加価値の主役としてサービス化がクローズアップされてきている。これに伴いサービス科学が学際的な学問分野として発展を見せている。しかし、これまでは価値の共創のような基礎概念を提唱・整備していく研究と従来の OR の延長線上でサービスの質や効率を扱う形式モデルによる研究との間に接点がほとんどなかった。
Servitization has come to be perceived as a major driving force of the modern economy. This called for service science to emerge as an inter-disciplinary academic arena. Despite the inter-disciplinary emphasis, there has been little interaction between the conceptual studies that have proposed and sophisticated core concepts like value co-creation and the formal studies that have dealt with the quality or the efficiency of services as the extrapolation of standard operations research.
I attempt to fill in the gap, and model value co-creation formally via a non-cooperative game with subjective agents. Through the model, I show a number of concrete managerial strategies to foster value co-creation.
Keywords サービス科学,価値共創,ゲーム理論
service science,value co-creation,game theory
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